Monday, October 13, 2008

Hey kids!

If you have any strong ties to PBSR, be it as a former staffer, camper, scoutmaster or the like, this blog would love to have your input. Email me at if you would like to contribute to this blog or are interested in making another camp specific blog within the network. Every little bit helps.
Specifically, this project will fare much better if we have a mix of perspective, and more importantly, photos. A lack of pictures on the council website was an impetus in this blog's creation. So please, if you have photos of camp and camp activities, please contribute them! Full credit will be given to the photographer.
We've just hit the offseason and a certain momentum is going to be required to fully promote camp, especially considering recent events with the fire. Many of us aren't in a good position to contribute physically or even financially right now, but anybody with a history at camp can help tell its story.

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