Today the staff packed up camp and, after the annual staff banquet, began to head home. The staff had a great time serving Scouts this summer and is excited to return next year. The end of camp is always a strange time; it's somewhat sad to see all the areas packed up and the Scouts heading home for the last time but there's hope in knowing that there are more great times to come beneath the redwoods. The camp is always there for the Scouts.
This has been a great summer. Thanks to countless volunteer hours, the camp completed and dedicated the Bob Mazzuca Campfire Bowl. The patrol method program gained momentum with the amount of patrols earning the Honor Patrol award growing exponentially. Still, many great traditions that Scouts have come to expect remained strong.
Although the summer resident camp season is over, there are still chances to enjoy camping along the Little Sur with Labor Day and Dad N Lad coming up. Also, your troop or group can stay at Pico on its own; just contact the council office. We are also accepting reservations for Summer 2012.
Thanks for all the great memories this summer!
The waterfront sits empty but awaits future Scouts
Staff cross a bridge over the Little Sur. They are done cleaning up their program areas and are heading back to the final Staff Banquet in the Hayward Lodge.

One last look at Mt. Pico Blanco on the road out.

Driving into the sunset out Palo Colorado Canyon Road