Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer 2011 #5: The end of Boy Scout Week 2

Boy Scout Week 2 came to a conclusion with the Water Carnival, a weekly aquatics competition, and the closing campfire. At the closing campfire, the Scouts are the stars and each troop performs a skit and a song. Near the end of the campfire, the Staff gives awards to Troops and Patrols that won different competitions and then the Program Director awards the Honor Patrol Award to Patrols that complete certain tasks such as doing the Polar Bear Swim together and cooking a meal in their campsite. Before this week, 6 Patrols had ever earned this award. This week, 7 patrols earned the award.
Scouts perform Quickdraw, a campfire classic

The Camp Director thanks the Scoutmasters for their hard work

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